
August 1, 2013

World's Largest Pizza Attempt: Free Pizza For Onlookers August 3, 2013

San Antonio may soon have the Guinness Book of World Records title for the home of the World's Largest Pizza -- and you could help eat a few slices for free!

On Saturday, August 3, Dirt Road Cookers will attempt to beat the existing world record for making, baking, and serving the largest commercially-available pizza.

The attempt will take place from 10am to noon at Guinness World Records Museum, which is downtown directly across from the Alamo.

And once the pizza has been judged by Guinness officials, Dirt Road Cookers will slice it up and pass it away to anyone who came out to cheer them team on!

There doesn't appear to be any limits on slices per attendee -- because let's face it, judging from the promotional photo, there will probably be more than enough to go around.

Read more about the World's Largest Pizza attempt here.

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